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Based on customer’s input ROI reviews a selected product, its routing, quality inspections, bill of material, packing and provision of the material to assembly station/line, layout and relevant process limitations. By using ROM © methodology (ROI-Operationsfolge-Methode = predetermined motion time system developed by ROI) the standard time is derived by means of ROM basic analysis or ROM catalogue of operations.


Step 1 – Input gathering:
- Product and its material photo documentation
- Drawing (if necessary)
- Routing
- Bill of material
- Video of assembly process
- Station / line layout
- Other considerable documentation (SOP, current standard, working conditions, top defects, etc.)
- In case that the process contains step executed by technology then also technology documentation (technology time, planned maintenance, …)

Step 2 – ROM analysis:
- Validation of the provided input, resolution of the open points in documentation
- Basic ROM analysis
- Preparation of the ROM catalogue of operations (applicable mainly for more complex products)
- Determination of standard times
- Specification of the new / desired assembly conditions

Step 3 – Presentation (utilizing MS Teams):
- Presentation of the ROM analysis and standard times structure
- Presentation of the proposed standard times
- Presentation of the necessary working / assembly conditions

Budget estimate:

0,5-3MD (depending on product and process complexity)

Examples and more details:

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