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Based on customer’s input ROI makes analysis of the assembly line utilization with focus on non-value adding and “waste” activities. Following the analysis ROI will suggest several potential implementation scenarios of a cobot solution addressing line efficiency, safety, ergonomics, and lack of personnel.


Step 1 – Input gathering from a customer (standardized form):
- Data regarding the selected production/assembly line
      - Operational time / Planned time

Shift model

Number of operators

List of relevant parts

Deliveries of the relevant parts for 6-12 months

Standard times – process and change-over

Unplanned maintenance

Planned maintenance

Defect rate
- Line layout
- Specification and limits of the technological sequence
- Quality aspects


- Standard operating procedure (SOP)

Step 2 – Input validation by ROI:
- Checking the data for its plausibility
- Review of understanding the data with customer / data correction request

Step 3 – Focus determination (utilizing MS Teams):
- Review and definition of the focus part(s)
- Video recording of the selected part’s production at every particular production step (customer)
- ROI verification of the video  / Customer re-recording
- Agreement on capacity alocation of the part(s) on the line
- Agreement on production takt

Step 4 - Analysis:
- Paper Kaizen analysis for all particular process steps
- ROM© analysis (ROM = ROI-Operationsfolge-Methode - analysis by means of predetermined motion time system) to verify existing standards and compare with cobot potential processing times
- Line balance chart

- Creating catalogue of operations and identifying cobot implementation potential
- Review of the findings and verification with customer (utilizing MS Teams)

Step 5 – Improvement design:
- Waste activities and its elimination potential
- Non-value adding activities and their reduction potential - cobot implementation scenarious
- Simulation of cobot enabled processes - customer sandbox session
- New work content split and line balance
- Adjustments to material staging
- Layout adjustment
- Adjustment proposal for SOP

Step 6 – Presentation of the improvement design (utilizing MS Teams)
- Presentation of the proposed improvements and cobot use case
- Next steps determination

Budget estimate:

Total P/T of the selected process = ca 60s => 3-4MD
Total P/T of the selected process = ca 1200s => 14MD

Examples and more details:

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