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Based on customer’s input ROI analyses of the line utilization, balancing and generated contribution. Following Lean and IoT principles, ROI will propose solutions for increasing the line efficiency by eliminating waste from the process, reducing non-value adding activities and by implementing low cost automation / robotization.


Step 1 – Input gathering (standardized form):
- Data regarding the selected production/assembly line
      - Operational time / Planned time

Shift model

Number of operators

List of relevant parts

Deliveries of the relevant parts for 6-12 months

Standard times – process and change-over



Unplanned maintenance

Planned maintenance

Defect rate
- Line layout
- Specification and limits of the technological sequence
- Quality aspects


- Standard operating procedure (SOP)

Step 2 – Input validation by ROI:
- Checking the data for its plausibility
- Review of understanding of the data with customer / data correction request

Step 3 – Focus determination (utilizing MS Teams):
- Review and definition of the focus part(s)
- Video recording of the selected part’s production at every particular production step (customer)
- ROI verification of the video  / Customer re-recording
- Agreement on capacity alocation of the part(s) on the line
- Agreement on production takt

Step 4 - Analysis:
- Paper Kaizen analysis for all particular process steps
- (if suitable - ROM© analysis (ROM = ROI-Operationsfolge-Methode - analysis by means of predetermined motion time system))
- (if suitable Spaghetti diagram)
- Line balance chart
- Identification of the potential
- Review of the findings and verification with customer (utilizing MS Teams)

Step 5 – Improvement design:
- Waste activities and its elimination potential
- Non-value adding activities and their reduction potential
- Potentially proposal for automation / robotization
- New work content split and line balance
- Adjustments to material staging
- Layout adjustment
- Adjustment proposal for SOP

Step 6 – Presentation of the improvement design (utilizing MS Teams)
- Presentation of the proposed improvements
- Next steps determination

Budget estimate:

Total P/T of the selected process = ca 60s => 2-3MD
Total P/T of the selected process = ca 1200s => 10MD

Examples and more details:

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